1 de diciembre de 2010

Thematic Parks 2

Salitre Magico Park

One of the Thematic Parks in Bogota are like the Salitre Magico Park. This park is a divercion place in where people can go in their free time to eat food, be scared  in some atractions, smile in other atractions and have a fun day there.

This park has 30 mecanic atractions for adults.Also the park has atraction for the child too. People can come in their free time with the family, and also have to take some money to go.

Mundo Aventura Park

This park is a little similar to the Salitre Magico Park. Also this park have 14 mecanic atractions. Also have atractions for child too. MAny days the park do activities for the childrens, with especial characters for the childs. This park want to tell to people that has like a form of farm and nature.

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