11 de noviembre de 2010

Libraries in Bogota: Luis Angel Arango (:

Besides library is a cultural center has auditorium (where exhibitions, concerts and lectures on various topics), audiovisual resources (called multimedia) and two permanent exhibitions, the Museum of Religious Art (where are the custodians of the Onionand Clarisa , clear demonstrations of the power of the Church in colonial times) and a small exhibition of instruments, whichhighlights some instruments native to the Amazon.The library was named after the person who in 1955 decided to move to a new building and died before the work is finished.
After that in the 80's it was decided that the National Library wasonly accessible to college students, Luis Angel (remodeled in 1990) became the largest library's public access Bogotá.
The Luis Angel Arango, owned by the Bank of the Republic, is one of the main libraries of the city. According to the Bank of the Republic, is the second library in the world with more users, slightly distorting the theory that we are lazy to read.
Things to take into acount:
At the library you can not enter with suitcases and bags. There is a service to let them saved, but they tend to generate long lines to use. It recommends, therefore, carry only notebooks.

There is a service, the "Economic Plan" that allows you to pay $ 31,200 pesos (February 2007, was $ 30,000 in September 2006) for the library to provide up to 3 books for 7 days and giving access to promotions on events, publications of the Library and other activities of the Bank of the Republic.

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