11 de noviembre de 2010

Chapinero !!

Chapinero is the location number two in the Capital District of Bogota. It is located northeast of the city.
The area called Chapinero traditionally includes the town of Chapinero and part of Teusaquillo and Barrios Unidos, since it is the only place in Bogotá whose territory beyond its perimeter (a kind of suburban area), as is the case of Western Chapinero Teusaquillo and Chapinero Los Alcazares in the Barrios Unidos. Commonly the territories of Chico, El Lago, Catalonia and the rest of the town to the north and the eastern hills of the town are not included on this traditional name, as a matter of cultural influence.

The total area of the town is 3,898 hectares and the urban area is 1,349 hectares. This makes the town is located in the twelfth position in the urban area of the city.
*North Street 100, with the town of Usaquén.*South: Avenida 39, with the town of Santa Fe*West: Highway north and Avenida Caracas with the locality of Barrios Unidos and Teusaquillo.*East: Eastern Hills with the municipality of La Calera (Cundinamarca).

Chapinero is one of the most important of Bogota and is composed of three major urban areas: the area of Chapinero, Lake and Chico. All residential areas have become important industries. It is considered the most urban area, but its large sector of the surrounding hills to the east, the town complementary as mixed.
The rural area is crossed by the eastern hills are heavily wooded with streams and rivers that originate in the top and lost to reach the city between canals and drains.
The most important rivers are the Archbishop, which flows into San Francisco before it flows into the Rio Bogota, and the Viceroy, which is part of the El Salitre, Bogotá River flows into the river as the Juan Amarillo.
Although throughout most of history was separated geographically from the city, Chapinero is with Santa Fe, La Candelaria and Teusaquillo, more traditional locations of the city, and beside the two latter forms a set of traditional neighborhoods that are distinguished by portraying a time in the city. Chapinero, once a high class neighborhood, was built with big houses exposed brick facades and architectural style (Victorian) reflecting the strong influence of English in the early twentieth century.

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