11 de noviembre de 2010

La Candelaria :) !!

La Candelaria is the location number 17 of the Capital District of Bogota, capital of Colombia. Located in the center east of the city of Bogotá.

La Candelaria is located within the city of Santafe. Its boundaries are determined:
*From the North: The environmental axis (San Francisco River).
*To the south, Fourth Street.
*For the West: the tenth race.
*To the east: Circunvalar Avenue, up the Carrera 4 east and further north around the neighborhood includes Egypt and down again to connect to the Avenida Jimenez in the cable car and funicular.
The town of La Candelaria in Bogota is the historical and cultural heart of the city. Since its inception in the business of the city was moving down the hill and to the north, colonial architecture was maintained intact. The historic center of Bogotá is one of the best preserved in Latin America. It has attracted artists, foreign writers and intellectuals in general, they have filled the area theaters, libraries and universities, in keeping with the cultural reputation of Colombia in the Spanish speaking world. Visitors can see there the colonial houses with latticed windows, carved doors, red tile roofs and eaves. The Mayor of Bogota carries out plans for renovation and preservation of property and cobbled streets, a local feature.


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