25 de noviembre de 2010

"Cafe teatro la castellana" Theater (:

Created in 1981 with the premiere of "The Hostage", the National Theatre Foundation Tour arises actress Fanny Mikey. Since then, work on the production, promotion and dissemination of theatrical activity in Colombia. His work has achieved stable and permanent recognition of all types of audiences. Today it has three chambers: the National Theatre Fanny Mikey, the Teatro Nacional La Castellana, La Casa del Teatro Nacional, each with specific objectives within a different educational and training program. Although its extensive program also welcomes other venues throughout the city as streets, parks, sports centers, theaters, arenas, Palacio de los Deportes, Plaza de Toros, Corferias Millennium Hall and the Estadio El Campin.In its history have produced 134 works, including classical theater, contemporary dance, theater, musicals, children's theater and street theater. And they have promoted about 132 national and 65 international companies in the area of theater. With national tours have visited our productions to the most remote places of our country, and we have represented in various international festivals and seasons have been made in neighboring countries. They have even reaching millions of Colombians through television.Colombia has also presented at major international shows and has promoted artists of all kinds at national level. Prom night, unplugged concerts, nights of the word, exhibitions and lectures have had as special guest dancers, writers, bands, storytellers, photographers and other artists. Its Continuing Education Program has conducted workshops and courses with leading international and national teachers.

Jorge Eliecer Gaitan Theater (:

In 1952, four years after the death of a leading liberal, and politically motivated with national security implications, the President Laureano Gomez ordered the demolition of the Municipal Theatre.The Theatre Colombia, a room dedicated to the wonders of cinema opened on June 20, 1940, was the perfect setting to revive the spirit of the old Municipal Theatre. In 1971 the District acquired the Theatre Colombia and the March 8, 1973 was reopened and named current: Teatro Municipal Jorge Eliecer Gaitan.Because the theater since its construction was designed for films, quickly began to be problems for the presentation of live performances. Closures and renovations were ongoing for several years, until 1988, thanks to support from the Japanese government renewed the infrastructure of the theater and was equipped with modern lighting and sound equipment.In 2000, after a complete renovation of the hall, the theater became the Teatro Municipal Cultural Center Jorge Eliecer Gaitan and from that year is available to citizens, in addition to the Main Hall, the Alley and Exhibitions Teatrino, alternative spaces for the exhibition of photographic work and to carry out special programs, all free of charge.Beginning January 2008, the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra is one of his administration and programming responsibilities of five venues in the city, which, from their different profiles are part of an important infrastructure of cultural facilities at . Within these scenarios has the Teatro Municipal Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, whose schedule will take into account criteria of social inclusion and cultural rights guaranteed to all inhabitants of the city.

Theaters in Bogota: "Teatro Colon"

The work soon, at the initiative of Dr. Nunez was selected Maldonado Theatre building, situated at 10 ° opposite the Palace of San Carlos, to build the new theater. Since the building had housed the culture. In its early days when he called Ramírez Coliseum and then when it was acquired by Don Bruno Maldonado, who gave his name as the name, The Nation acquired the rights to land and the dream began to take shape.
The Italian architect Pietro Cantini, who then worked in the construction of the Capitol, was entrusted with the work and the October 5, 1885 was laid the first stone. At that time were in the country teaching classes, major artists like the sculptor César and decorated Luigi Sighinolfi Ramelli, who were immediately involved in the project under the guidance of architect Cantini, who also drew the participation of painters like Philip and Giuseppe Masteralli
Menarini, in addition to Giorgio Tofaloni stagehand.This unique team began the work in January 1886 with the objective of delivering to the nation's capital National Theatre. Were 6 years of work and effort. The Theatre was built in an area of 2,400 square meters. His style is Neoclassical Doric facade, carved stone, with three parts separated by two stone ledges also.
The main entrance leads to a large foyer leading to the rear window and side access to the floors of boxes. The horseshoe shaped window that opens on the stage and the scene in an area of 320 square meters

19 de noviembre de 2010

Salitre :)!!

Ciudad Salitre is one of the most famous of Bogota, distributed in the towns of Fontibón (Ciudad Salitre West) and Teusaquillo (Ciudad Salitre Oriental).
It is a completely urban area with various recreational and business and residential development.
Green spaces are available on the Parque Metropolitano Simón Bolívar and some streets like El Dorado.
Access: Ciudad Salitre is characterized as a city that has wide streets, sidewalks and linear parks, and a multitude of public transportation routes that pass as the Golden Avenue (where you spend the TransMilenio phase III), Avenida of Hope, Avenida Carrera 68, Carrera 50 Avenida Boyacá. They are also available Bogotá Transportation Terminal, which promotes intercity travel service for the Republic of Colombia.
Parkland and recreation: Among the attractions it offers, highlights the multifunctional stadium built along the streets, parks and greenbelts. Among the parks and sports facilities include:*Simón Bolívar Metropolitan Park.*Unidad Deportiva El Salitre*Salitre Magico Park.*Cici Aquapark*Sauzalito Park

museum of science and technology !!

11 de noviembre de 2010

Festivals in Bogota: Festival de Verano 14 (:

The " Festival De Verano" began in 1997 and since then is the hub for the celebration of the birthday celebrations of the city from a recreational-sports theme, since its inauguration coincides with the date of founding of Bogotá (August 6) and extend for 11 days.
Some of the innovations to be presented in this edition will be the Aquatic Balle de Cuba, the Florida Star (nautical skilled skiers make figures and pyramids on the water), and original characters Kids Discovery Kids Channel. As for sport, will take place on the Pan American Softball Championship, the International Skating Gala and the Grand Prix International Billiards, among other events.

The event, which gathers more than three million citizens who are members and viewers of its programming, has been strengthened by the following aspects:

▪ It is the most massive and extensive to be held in Bogotá, calls for millions in a few days. Admission is free, and the quality of events, guest artists and participating athletes do a space suitable for all audiences.
▪ It has become the party more representative of the country's capital, perhaps considerable festivities as the Feria de las Flores for Medellin, the Carnival of Barranquilla, Cali Fair or Carnival of Blacks and Whites to Pasto.
▪ Due to these reasons and importance for the sense of ownership of Bogota and Colombia, the Summer Festival is considered "cultural event" for the city as the Agreement signed in Council 125/2002 of Bogota and "Event of social, cultural and sports within a national framework," according to Law 904/2004 of Congress.

Festivals in Bogota: Rock Al Parque (:

The festival began in 1995, having its origin in Juvenile Music Meetings were held at the Planetarium since 1992 as an initiative of the singer Mario Duarte member of the defunct band The Right who sought the support of the Institute of Culture Bogotá and Tourism (IDCT) and the cultural entrepreneur Correal July with the aim of promoting the country rock bands and at the same time promote programs of coexistence and tolerance among youth in the city. And the festival was held from 26 to 29 May in various venues such as outdoor theater of La Media Torta, a Simon Bolivar Park, the stadium Olaya Herrera, Plaza de Toros La Santa Maria, the latter still the only place where he claimed the entry.In 1996, the festival is held the second edition of deleting the scene of the Plaza de Toros at the festival becomes free.In 1998, the festival is in danger of disappearing due to IDCT officials do not see the event as a priority for the city's cultural development, but the initiative is reversed to see young people and public opinion in general protest supporting the festival. Finally, it is saved in the City of Bogota, the city's legislative body, and declared the city's cultural heritage.Parallel to the main event with live performances, they develop different activities such as seminars, workshops, lectures and master classes scheduled, including academics and several guests.The festival initially only specialized in rock bands, was gradually extended to include other genres such as punk, reggae, ska and blues among others, due to this diversity are scheduled days in the majority of bands playing different genres to rock.Currently, the festival runs over three days in the Simon Bolivar Park where they set two scenarios (three scenarios in 2009) in which bands are different genres simultaneously, the festival is broadcast live by Channel Capital and station Radionics are also held interviews with the participants after the presentations.Rock  al Parque is an international rock festival that takes place in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, since 1995. The festival is free and open-air Latin America's largest.

It is part of the series of festivals promoted by the Park District Department of Culture, Recreation and Sport, is the oldest and the one that started the cycle of festivals, their scheme after being emulated with different themes and genres such as Salsa, Jazz , Hip Hop, Opera, Operetta and others.

The last rock al parque was the one of the 2010 that has an especific image but each year since 1995 had his own picture.
This festival have been the result of ot of years of work and we must enjoy it without trying to find trouble.

Libraries in Bogota: Julio Mario Santodomingo (:

Biblioteca Julio Mario Santo Domingo
This is a really new library it was inagurated on May the 27th its characterized because of been the largest in the network of libraries that have Bogotá, with this construction is complete 4 Libraries: Tunal Tintal, Virgilio Barco and Julio Mario Santo Domingo.

The architect was Daniel Bermudez who also participated in the design of the library Tintal his particular stamp is in the use of white concrete and management of natural light on the artificial, giving importance to users and their comfort on campus.

"That over there is the cornerstone and will be in memory.It is a white
rock which marked the beginning of construction, three years ago and is
now a reality with two theaters, Internet, games room, and bebeteca
Sonoteca.Red is part of the District Public Library and is the fourth
megalibraries (the others being The Tintal, Tunal and Virgilio Barco). 
The vast majority of activities are free and Internet use.

The infrastructure cost 55 billion dollars, donated by the Santo Domingo family, courage to sit on its 23 thousand square meters of construction. The District donated 32,000 million pesos were invested in parks, the Park San Jose de Bavaria and road construction and water supply.
In the large terrace, Bermudez sa
id the distance:

Libraries in Bogota: Luis Angel Arango (:

Besides library is a cultural center has auditorium (where exhibitions, concerts and lectures on various topics), audiovisual resources (called multimedia) and two permanent exhibitions, the Museum of Religious Art (where are the custodians of the Onionand Clarisa , clear demonstrations of the power of the Church in colonial times) and a small exhibition of instruments, whichhighlights some instruments native to the Amazon.The library was named after the person who in 1955 decided to move to a new building and died before the work is finished.
After that in the 80's it was decided that the National Library wasonly accessible to college students, Luis Angel (remodeled in 1990) became the largest library's public access Bogotá.
The Luis Angel Arango, owned by the Bank of the Republic, is one of the main libraries of the city. According to the Bank of the Republic, is the second library in the world with more users, slightly distorting the theory that we are lazy to read.
Things to take into acount:
At the library you can not enter with suitcases and bags. There is a service to let them saved, but they tend to generate long lines to use. It recommends, therefore, carry only notebooks.

There is a service, the "Economic Plan" that allows you to pay $ 31,200 pesos (February 2007, was $ 30,000 in September 2006) for the library to provide up to 3 books for 7 days and giving access to promotions on events, publications of the Library and other activities of the Bank of the Republic.

Chapinero !!

Chapinero is the location number two in the Capital District of Bogota. It is located northeast of the city.
The area called Chapinero traditionally includes the town of Chapinero and part of Teusaquillo and Barrios Unidos, since it is the only place in Bogotá whose territory beyond its perimeter (a kind of suburban area), as is the case of Western Chapinero Teusaquillo and Chapinero Los Alcazares in the Barrios Unidos. Commonly the territories of Chico, El Lago, Catalonia and the rest of the town to the north and the eastern hills of the town are not included on this traditional name, as a matter of cultural influence.

The total area of the town is 3,898 hectares and the urban area is 1,349 hectares. This makes the town is located in the twelfth position in the urban area of the city.
*North Street 100, with the town of Usaquén.*South: Avenida 39, with the town of Santa Fe*West: Highway north and Avenida Caracas with the locality of Barrios Unidos and Teusaquillo.*East: Eastern Hills with the municipality of La Calera (Cundinamarca).

Chapinero is one of the most important of Bogota and is composed of three major urban areas: the area of Chapinero, Lake and Chico. All residential areas have become important industries. It is considered the most urban area, but its large sector of the surrounding hills to the east, the town complementary as mixed.
The rural area is crossed by the eastern hills are heavily wooded with streams and rivers that originate in the top and lost to reach the city between canals and drains.
The most important rivers are the Archbishop, which flows into San Francisco before it flows into the Rio Bogota, and the Viceroy, which is part of the El Salitre, Bogotá River flows into the river as the Juan Amarillo.
Although throughout most of history was separated geographically from the city, Chapinero is with Santa Fe, La Candelaria and Teusaquillo, more traditional locations of the city, and beside the two latter forms a set of traditional neighborhoods that are distinguished by portraying a time in the city. Chapinero, once a high class neighborhood, was built with big houses exposed brick facades and architectural style (Victorian) reflecting the strong influence of English in the early twentieth century.